Café Karpershoek is the oldest pub in Amsterdam. In 1606 the Karpershoek started as a guest house for the crew of the ships of the Dutch East-Indian Company (VOC). Today, it is an authentic Amsterdam pub, well visited by both tourists and regulars, enjoying the typical Amsterdam atmosphere and the pints of lovely Heineken beer.
The harbor disappeared, but Café Karpershoek remained mostly unchanged. The walls are still covered with old sayings and wisdoms, mixed with detailed wood carving and a colorful collection of pictures and paintings. When visiting Café Karpershoek, note the thin layer of sand on the floor. In earlier times visitors of the pub liked to use chewing tobacco. After chewing this sticky stuff, the tobacco was spat on the ground. Because of the sand on the floor, it was easy to clean. Nowadays, almost no one uses chewing tobacco, but the sand remains as a sign that Café Karpershoek withstood the test of time.
The always busy pub is still a perfect place for a good conversation. You won’t be disturbed by loud music, since there is none at Café Karpershoek. It is a typical ‘talk café’. The place par excellence for a chat with real Amsterdam people.